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What is Paytronix CXP?

Combining online ordering, loyalty, omnichannel messaging, AI insights, and payments in one platform. Paytronix delivers relevant, personal experiences, at scale, that help improve your entire digital marketing funnel by creating amazing frictionless experiences.

A Complete Customer Experience Platform
Online Ordering
Acquire new customers and capture valuable data with industry leading customization features.
Encourage More visits and higher spend with personalized promotions based on individual activity and preferences.
Build great customer relationships with relevant personal omnichannel campaigns delivered at scale.
Artificial Intelligence
Leverage the most data from the most customer transactions to power 1:1 marketing campaigns and drive revenue.
Drive brand engagement by providing fast, frictionless guest payments.


Paytronix CXP Solutions

We use data, customer experience expertise, and technology to solve everyday restaurant and convenience store challenges.

Contactless Experiences
Accommodate your guests' changing preferences by providing safe, efficient service whether dining-in or taking out.
Customer Insights
Collect guest data and analyze behaviors to develop powerful targeted campaigns that produce amazing results.
Marketing Automation
Create and test campaigns across channels and segments to drive loyalty, incremental visits, and additional revenue.
Mobile Experiences
Provide convenient access to your brand, menus and loyalty program to drive retention with a branded or custom app.

Create a frictionless, fun way to reward your most loyal customers for frequent visits and purchases while normalizing revenues.
Employee Dining
Attract and retain your employees with dollar value or percentage-based incentives and tiered benefits.
Order Experience Builder
Create powerful interactive, and appealing online menus that attract and acquire new customers simply and easily.

Multi-Unit Restaurant

Loyalty Programs
High-impact customizable programs that increase spend, visit, and engagement with your brand.
Online Ordering
Maximize first-party digital sales with an exceptional guest experience.
Launch your programs with more than 450 existing integrations.

Small to Medium Restaurants

Loyalty Programs
Deliver the same care you do in person with all your digital engagements.
Online Ordering
Drive more first-party orders and make it easy for your crew.

Convenience Stores

Loyalty Programs
Digital transformations start here - get to know your guests.
Online Ordering
Add a whole new sales channel to grow your business - digital ordering is in your future.
We work with your environment - check it out.


About Paytronix

We are here to help clients build their businesses by delivering amazing experiences for their guests.

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2024 Loyalty Guide

Attract More Dream Customers and Keep Them Longer

5 min read

How to Detect and Prevent Gift Card Fraud in Your Restaurant

How to Detect and Prevent Gift Card Fraud in Your Restaurant

Thousands of restaurant owners see gift cards as a great way to boost sales and delight customers. Recent studies show global gift card sales have reached over $619.25B and are expected to surge more soon.

But there's a catch—fraudsters are always lurking, looking to exploit any loophole they can find. In the past, these gift card frauds were only limited to physical theft, but with advanced technology, digital scams have become harder to detect. So, how can you protect restaurant gift card programs from these scams? 

By looking at the alarming stats of these frauds, we’ve written this article to help you as a restaurant owner and your management team detect and prevent these scams. Keep reading ‘til the end, and let's secure your restaurant's success by turning potential vulnerabilities into fortified strengths. 

What is Gift Card Fraud in Restaurants? 

Gift card fraud involves the unauthorized use or alteration of gift cards, leading to financial losses for both consumers and sellers. These schemes can involve physical cards and digital code alterations using different tactics.  

When a customer buys or receives a gift card from restaurant loyalty programs, they face several risks of fraud. Scammers use multiple methods like phishing or physical theft to intercept card data during digital transactions or manipulate physical cards on restaurant premises. 

To safeguard your restaurant against gift card fraud, it's crucial to understand the techniques scammers employ to deceive victims and exploit the system. Here are six common types of gift card scams that you should be aware of: 

6 Types of Gift Card Frauds 

  1. Physical Tampering: One of the most common gift card frauds is physical tampering. Scammers discreetly remove cards from racks, scratch off the protective layers to access PIN codes, and then replace the layer as if untouched. Unsuspecting customers purchase these altered cards, and once activated, scammers drain the funds. 
  2. Online Reselling Scams: This type of fraud involves scammers buying or obtaining gift cards through illegal means, such as using stolen credit card details. They then sell these gift cards at discounted rates on unofficial websites or online marketplaces. Buyers who purchase these cards risk losing money if the original theft is discovered, and the cards are deactivated. 
  3. Account Takeover: Fraudsters use malware to gain unauthorized access to a person's accounts where their gift cards are registered. Once inside, they transfer the digital gift card balances to different accounts under their control and steal the money or gift card benefits. 
  4. Phishing Scam: Scammers often use emails, texts, or phone calls pretending to be from reputable companies requesting gift card numbers and PINs for verification or account updates. Once the victim provides these details, scammers can easily steal the balance. 
  5. Clone Gift Cards: Scammers can duplicate gift cards by using skimming devices that read and record the card's data. They create multiple functional copies of the card, which can be sold or used before the original cardholder notices any fraudulent activities. 
  6. Redemption Hijacking: In this scam tactic, fraudsters acquire the details of a gift card number and PIN and then monitor the card's balance online. As soon as the card is loaded with funds, they quickly redeem the balance through purchases or sell the card details to other buyers. 

How to Prevent Gift Card Frauds: Top 10 Strategies for Restaurant Owners 

Gift card scams remain a significant concern for restaurant owners, often leading to immense amounts of lost revenue and a damaged reputation in customers’ eyes. According to a report, the loss from US gift card fraud in 2023 amounted to $217 million, so you must take effective preventive measures to save your restaurant from these frauds. Here are 10 practical strategies for gift card fraud protection: 

1. Implement Strong Encryption 

Using strong end-to-end encryption methods such as Advanced Encryption Standard (AES) ensures gift card data is protected. Employ strong gift card fraud protection tools to secure sensitive data transferred over the internet. 

2. Use Tokenization 

Tokenization replaces sensitive gift card information with a unique identifier that cannot be reverse-engineered. This method makes it difficult for fraudsters to gain useful data if they manage to breach your systems. Solutions like Paytronix and Square offer tokenization services. 

3. Monitor Transactions in Real-Time 

Deploy real-time transaction monitoring tools to detect unusual patterns and flag suspicious activities. These tools use machine learning and AI to identify potentially fraudulent transactions based on historical data and behavior analysis. 

4. Use Registered Cards 

Encourage customers to register their gift cards through a simple process on your website. Registration can include setting up a PIN that is not visible on the card itself, adding an extra layer of security. 

5. Implement Multi-Factor Authentication 

Integrate a multi-factor authentication (MFA) system for accessing gift card management systems. MFA adds a layer of security by requiring users to provide two or more verification factors, such as a password and a code sent to their mobile device. 

6. Conduct Regular Security Audits 

Regularly audit your gift card systems and processes to identify and address vulnerabilities. You can also get help from third-party security service providers to perform comprehensive security assessments and penetration testing. 

7. Educate Employees 

Train your staff on the importance of gift card security and the common tactics used by fraudsters. Implement regular training sessions and simulations to keep employees vigilant. Resources from organizations like the National Restaurant Association (NRA) can provide valuable training materials. 

8. Limit Gift Card Activation and Reload Permissions 

Restrict gift card activation and reload capabilities to a limited number of trusted employees. Implement role-based access controls (RBAC) using systems like Microsoft Entra ID or JumpCloud to ensure only authorized personnel can perform these actions. 

9. Use Secure Gift Card Providers 

Partner with reputable gift card providers who offer robust security features. Providers like Blackhawk Network and InComm offer advanced fraud detection and prevention technologies. 

10. Collaborate with Others 

Work with other local businesses and industry groups to share information about known scams and how to use gift cards for guest management. Share your thoughts and best practices for preventing gift card fraud in real-time.

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Implementing Fraud Detection Measures in Your Restaurant 

As the healthcare industry saying goes “Prevention is always better than treatment.” The same goes for gift card fraud detection!   

The same technology fraudsters use can also be useful to protect your restaurant. Prior detection of gift card scams helps your restaurant management mitigate the loss. Here are five effective technologies and services each you can implement to detect fraud in restaurant gift card programs: 

Gift Card Fraud Detection Technologies 

  1. Point-of-Sale (POS) Integration: Use POS systems that integrate directly with gift card platforms to monitor real-time transactions and detect anomalies. 
  2. Encryption Technology: Ensure that all data related to gift cards, especially PINs and card numbers, are encrypted to prevent unauthorized access. 
  3. Fraud Detection Software: Implement software that uses algorithms to detect unusual patterns that may indicate fraudulent activity, such as rapid increases in gift card activations or redemptions. 
  4. Database Monitoring Tools: Use tools that monitor and alert you to unauthorized access or changes to your gift card database. 
  5. Digital Receipts: Offer digital receipts for gift card transactions to create a verifiable trail of purchase and activation that can be easily accessed if fraud is suspected. 

Third- Party Services for Enhanced Security 

  1. Professional Security Assessment: Hire security experts to review your current gift card program and systems to identify potential vulnerabilities and recommend enhancements. 
  2. Managed Security Services: Consider outsourcing your cybersecurity needs to professionals who can provide 24/7 monitoring and response to security threats. 
  3. Employee Training Programs: Invest in regular training for your staff to recognize and respond to potential fraud. This includes training in handling suspicious behaviors and securely managing gift card transactions. 
  4. Legal and Compliance Consultations: Engage with legal experts to ensure your gift card program complies with all applicable laws and regulations, which can vary significantly by region and affect how you handle fraud prevention. 
  5. Customer Verification Services: Use services that verify customer identity during gift card purchases, especially for high-value transactions or when cards are purchased in bulk. 

Keep Your Restaurant Up to Date 

Dealing with gift card fraud can be tricky, but employing the right preventative methods can protect your restaurant. By using strong security like encryption and keeping a close eye on transactions, you make it much tougher for fraudsters to get what they want. Furthermore, training your staff well and using technology wisely is most important.  

Ready to acquire further assistance? Try Paytronix guest management solutions and turn your restaurant into a trusted platform for loyal customers. Also, check out our Marketer’s guide to gift card strategies—it’s packed with insights to help you leverage these valuable tools for your restaurant’s success. 

Remember, every step you take to prevent fraud not only protects your earnings but also keeps your customers’ trust. So, keep your defenses strong, and make sure every gift card brings a smile, not a problem.

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