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Gift Card Affiliate Programs: Driving Incremental Revenue

Written by Paytronix Pat | Sep 06, 2024

Gift card affiliate programs have quietly emerged as an option for restaurants to grow their revenue without additional manual labor. Collaboration with affiliates provides a chance for restaurants to connect with untapped customer bases, leading to a noticeable rise in gift card purchases. 

Interestingly, this strategy is also backed by recent data. For instance, did you know that nearly half of all patrons tend to spend beyond the value of their gift cards—averaging around $31 more? This is an incredible boost for additional earnings. 

When restaurants leverage the credibility of affiliates, they extend the reach and visibility of their gift cards well beyond their existing audience. This strategy allows them to build trust with potential customers and drive interest from demographics that may not respond to traditional advertising methods. 

Affiliate marketing also offers a strong ROI when compared to other strategies, thanks mostly to its cost-efficiency and performance-based nature. In fact, for every dollar spent on affiliate marketing, businesses can expect a 15:1 ROI, or 1400% return on average, placing it well above content marketing and technical SEO.​ 

The simplicity of incorporating affiliate programs into current marketing efforts makes it an attractive option, as it promises growth and improved exposure without compromising existing operations or brand messaging. Let’s look at how you can incorporate this into your own restaurant’s marketing and sales efforts. 

3 Steps in Establishing a Gift Card Affiliate Program 

Establishing a successful gift card affiliate program starts with choosing the right affiliates. But how do you know who’s the right fit?  

1. Choosing Your Affiliates

Start by considering your target audience. You want affiliates whose followers match your ideal customer profile. Are they food enthusiasts, local families, or young professionals?  

Next, think about the affiliate’s reputation and whether their values align with your brand. For example, if you run a restaurant that emphasizes eco-friendliness and sustainability, your affiliates should also share similar values to make sure  messaging is consistent.  

It’s also important to work with affiliates who can seamlessly integrate gift cards into your broader loyalty strategy, ensuring that the partnership improves customer retention and acquisition.  

2. Structuring Commissions

Choosing your affiliates is only the beginning. The next  step involves setting up a commission and incentives structure. You might opt for a flat-rate commission—straightforward and easy to monitor. 

For instance, you could offer a 10% commission on every gift card sale, regardless of the sales volume. This method ensures that affiliates know exactly what they will earn per sale, simplifying their potential income calculations. 

On the other hand, if you're looking to inspire higher performance from your affiliates, consider implementing tiered incentives that increase earnings with greater sales achievements. Imagine starting with a 5% commission for up to 50 gift cards sold, increasing it to 7% for sales between 51-100 cards, and then offering 10% beyond that threshold.  

In this way, affiliates have clear targets and are motivated to reach higher tiers in order to maximize their earnings—ultimately driving more sales for your restaurant. 

3. Setting Up Integration and Tracking

Integrating a reliable tracking system for your affiliate program is a must. By adopting a mobile-first approach to digital gift cards, you can ensure that sales and affiliate performance are monitored accurately and transparently.  

By thoughtfully choosing who you work with, tailoring compensation structures thoughtfully, and staying on top of tracking—you've got yourself a recipe for revving up your restaurant revenue  through gift card affiliate marketing. 

Marketing and Managing Affiliate Relationships 

Finding the right affiliates is crucial for the success of your gift card affiliate program. Start by checking out networks like ShareASale or CJ Affiliate to meet a diverse group of potential partners. 

Don’t overlook social media and forums tailored to your industry as they're valuable resources for identifying relevant affiliates. Often, a Google search with precise terms leads you to exactly where you need to go.  

Consider using search phrases like: 

  • "restaurant affiliate programs"
  • "food bloggers affiliate network"
  • "gift card affiliate marketing"

After onboarding affiliates, develop a strategy that keeps them actively engaged and motivated. Regular communication helps maintain their interest. Additionally, supplying useful marketing materials and offering exclusive deals or bonuses ensure they remain motivated to promote your brand effectively. 

Building a community around your program also fosters loyalty and encourages affiliates to actively promote your gift cards. To protect your program's integrity, establish clear terms and conditions upfront. Include strong dispute resolution processes and regularly monitor for fraudulent activities. These steps are vital in maintaining trust within your network, ensuring long-term success. 

​​5 More Quick Tips for Managing Affiliate Relationships​ 

Here are five more strategies to help you manage and optimize your affiliate relationships effectively: 

  1. Recruit through affiliate networks and industry forums. 
  2. Offer compelling value propositions with competitive incentives. 
  3. Provide affiliates with regular updates, resources, and support. 
  4. Foster community through exclusive deals and bonuses. 
  5. Implement clear terms, dispute resolution, and fraud monitoring. 

Maximizing Program Impact 

To truly maximize the success of your gift card affiliate program, timing is crucial. Align promotions with popular gift-giving occasions such as Valentine’s Day, Mother’s Day, and the annual holiday season. These periods naturally inspire spending and are perfect for pushing gift card promotions through your affiliates. 

Think outside the box to capture attention and engage varied customer segments. Try offering bundle deals that pair a complimentary item with a gift card or hosting contests where customers can win unique prizes. Limited-time promotions featuring special discounts on gift cards also encourage quick decisions and drive sales. 

Here are five creative marketing ideas to test in your affiliate program: 

  1. Bundle offers (e.g., gift card plus a complimentary appetizer) 
  2. Competitions or contests with exclusive prizes 
  3. Special deals during limited-time promotions 
  4. Collaborations with affiliates for unique product pairings 
  5. Flash sales on gift cards during peak shopping times 

Regularly gather and analyze feedback from affiliates along with performance data to continually refine your strategy. Use these insights to identify trends, understand affiliate behaviors, and adjust your campaign to better target your desired audience, ensuring that every aspect of your program is fine-tuned for maximum impact.

The Bottom Line 

Effectively handling a gift card affiliate program can significantly increase sales and expand the reach of a restaurant’s clientele. Selecting appropriate affiliates allows restaurants to connect with new patrons, boost their brand's presence, and accelerate customer acquisition. 

What makes affiliate marketing particularly appealing is its cost-effectiveness. Technically,you’re only spending money when actual results are delivered (or per conversion), offering an advantage over other advertising channels in terms of profitability. 

While there are inherent risks like fraud, as noted by the eMarketing Institute, the startup costs can be relatively low. In fact, according to Forbes, your first campaign could start at just $200 to $400 per week. Such programs not only drive higher conversions but also generate additional revenue—an invaluable strategy for any restaurant aiming to grow. 

For restaurant owners, exploring affiliate marketing as part of your sales approach is timely and effective. Creating strategic alliances with affiliates paves the way for sustained growth and success, as it brings your brand into new territories.

More than just sharing common values, working hand in hand with affiliates who already have rapport with your ideal customers boosts revenue while fortifying customer loyalty. With this strategy, you're not only aiming for quick wins but nurturing marketing initiatives that leave an enduring impression and foster lasting relationships beyond the initial purchase.​ 

Recapping what we’ve covered, to launch a successful gift card affiliate program: 

  • Identify potential affiliates that align well with your brand. 
  • Develop a commission structure that incentivizes performance while safeguarding your margins. 
  • Use reliable tracking tools to monitor progress and adjust strategies as needed. 

For detailed guidance on setting up your affiliate program effectively, consider downloading our Marketer’s Guide to Gift Card Strategy, which outlines comprehensive steps to optimize your efforts.  

If you’re interested in seeing just how successful gift card campaigns for restaurants were in 2023, download our Restaurant Gift Card Sales Report 2023. It offers valuable data on market performance and opportunities for boosting sales. 

By following these steps and using available resources wisely, you can fully harness the potential of your gift card affiliate program and achieve significant growth for your restaurant.